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Ella es...

Serie de fotografías que se sirve de objetos para evocar el retrato imaginario de una mujer.
Estas construcciones artificiales son una puesta en escena, en la que los espacios donde estos objetos están cuidadosamente colocados, al igual que las texturas, las curvas, las flores, los ornamentos presentes; nos sugieren la forma, la delicadeza y la vanidad femenina.
La carga simbólica que encierra cada uno de estos objetos es fundamental en la conceptualización e interpretación del trabajo fotográfico.

Series of photographs that uses objects to evoke the imaginary portrait of a woman.
These artificial constructions are a staging, in which the spaces where these objects are carefully placed, as well as the textures, the curves, the flowers, the ornaments present; they suggest to us the form, the delicacy and the feminine vanity.
The symbolic load that each one of these objects contains is fundamental in the conceptualization and interpretation of photographic work.

She is...
The dance on a chessboard
Interrupted to be the voice that listens on the other side
 As the flower petal from her dress falls
The sinuous curve of that chair
Observe the false laziness
And perceive the aroma that delights the double bass

Captura digital / Digital Capture. 2015